How to navigate in the twin
There are two modes of navigation in the digital twin.
By default, you can use your mouse or trackpad to move around.
Press & drag on the middle mouse button would pan the camera.
Press & drag on the right mouse button would rotate the view.
Scrolling up and down will zoom in and out.
Select an object (left mouse click) ALT + left mouse button hold + drag will orbit around the selected object.
To use the keyboard for navigation, you need to hold down the right mouse button while using the keyboard.
W = zooms in
S = zooms out
Q = pan down
E = pan up
A = pan left
D = pan right
On both mouse(trackpad) and keyboard navigation methods, holding down Shift key will increase the speed and holding down Ctrl key will decrease the speed.
To focus on a selected object, press F key after making a selection.
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